The Postdoctoral Residency at UFMG is regulated by Resolution 02/2017 (portuguese only), of May 23, 2017, of the University Council of UFMG. It consists of the development of research activities by the holder of the title of Doctor, along with the Postgraduate Course at UFMG.
The candidate for Postdoctoral Residency who has his/her application approved by the Postgraduate Course Collegiate will be linked to UFMG through Academic Registration in Postdoctoral Residency and enrollment in the “Postdoctoral Project Development” activity.
After the approval of the final activity report, the postdoctoral resident may request a certificate at the office of the course in which he/she was a resident. The office will process the request to the Office of Graduate Studies, who will issue the document.
The candidate may do his residency at PPGEQ voluntarily (without receiving a fellowship) or with a fellowship from the National Postdoctoral Program of CAPES (PNPD). The public notice will be published in the topic below entitled “National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD/CAPES)”, as long as the Program’s quotas for fellowships are available.