Agreements and cooperation

Since its creation the PPGEQ has established diverse institutional interactions at national and international levels along three main axes:

  • partnership with R&D companies and institutions;
  • partnership with companies to train personnel;
  • partnership with other higher education institutions for the development of research work.

Partnerships with companies in the productive sector usually take the form of financing research activities or providing information that helps develop the work of the Program’s students. In this context, considering the history over the years of the PPGEQ, it is possible to mention the following companies: Fibraia, Cenibra, Fiat, Petrobras, ArcelorMittal, Usiminas, Andritz, Vallourec, Vale, Samarco, Lafarge Holcim, Suzano, among others.

PPGEQ professors have already partnered with several national educational institutions. Among them are: Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), University of São Paulo (USP), Nuclear Technology Development Center (CDTN) and Institut of Technological Research (IPT – São Paulo), Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG), University of Campinas (UNICAMP), University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL).

At the international level, PPGEQ professors have maintained contact and partnerships with various institutions. Among which stand out: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Colorado School of Mines (USA), The Ohio State University (USA), Texas A&M University (USA), University of Porto and University of Coimbra (Portugal), Instituto Ciencia y Tecnologia de Polimeros (Spain), University of Bradford (England), University of Jyväskylä (Finland), and Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), University of Queensland (Australia), Università di Trento (Italy), Washington State University (USA), Politecnico di Milano (Italy).